RISK PROFILINGRisk Tolerance QuestionnaireReferred by:DateClients - Personal and Contact InfoFull Name *Father/Spouse Name *PAN NO. *Residential Address *Home / Mobile Telephone *Work TelephoneHome FaxWork FaxEmail Id *Email WorkDate of Birth *Nationality *Tolerance for risk is a key consideration in determining your probable level of comfort with varying investing choices.1. What is your age group? *Under 35Under 4546-5555-6060+2. Investment Goal ? *Capital AppreciationRegular IncomeCapital Appreciation and Regular Income3. Proposed Investment Amount *< 50,000< 1 lacs1-2 lacs2-5 lacs> 5 lacs4. Preferred Investment type *Short Term PositionalLong Term PositionalIntraday5. Details of Gross Annual Income ? *Below 1 lac1-3 lac3-6 lac6-10 lac> 10 lac6. Sources of Income?A. Primary Source *SalaryBusinessB. Secondary Source *RoyaltiesRentalDividendOthers Specify7. What is the Market Value of portfolio held *<1 lacs1-2 Lac2-5 lacs> 5 lacs8. What is your Investment Experience *< 3 years3-5 years6-10 years>10 years9. Experience in market products *ExtensiveModerateLessVery LessNo Experience10. How many dependents do you financially support? *NoneBetween 1-34+11. What is the size of your emergency fund? *do not have< 1 month income1-3 months income3-6 months income> 6 months income12. What is your experience with equity investments? *Extensive experienceModerate experienceVery less experienceNo experience13. What is your experience with Commodity investments? *Extensive experienceModerate experienceVery less experienceNo experience14. What is your experience with forex investment ? *Extensive experienceModerate experienceVery less experienceNo experience15. What is your experience with investments in past? *Very GoodGoodModerateBadVery Bad16. What is your preference w.r.t. securities with low risk low return overhigh risk high return? *Strongly PreferIndifferentDo Not PreferDo Not Prefer17. When market is not performing, well do you prefer to buy risk investment and sell less risky investment s? *Strongly PreferIndifferentDo Not PreferDo Not Prefer18. Risk Tolerance *HighMediumLow19. What percentage of Monthly income is allocated to pay off debt [all EMIs]? *NoneLess than 15%15% - 35%35% - 50%> 50%20. Please select Occupation *Private sectorPublic sector/Government SectorBusinessProfessionalAgriculturalRetiredHousewifeStudentAny other please specify21. Are you any of the following or are directly or indirectly related to any of the following ? *Civil ServantPoliticianCurrent or former MP/MLA/MLCCurrent or former MP/MLA/MLC "Connect"Bureaucrat (Tax authorities, Foreign Services, IAS et) Connected to any company/promoter group/ group of companies listed on any stock exchangeI have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of this questionnaireAgreeSubmit Now